by 胡啟敢 | 10 月 16, 2023 | 社會科學研究
Lewis Loud, crowned by Simon Shen and endorsed by Joseph Lian as one of Hong Kong’s New Top Four Influential Writers and a Renowned Online KOL. Lewis Loud’s page boasts around thirty of thousands of supporters, and even Joshua Wong Chi-fung values his...
by 胡啟敢 | 10 月 15, 2023 | 文學及ACGM館
Ni Kuang passed away: If not for the Chinese Communist Party’s misrule, he could have made a name for himself in Hollywood. The recent passing of Ni Kuang has garnered mourning from many intellectuals and literati. Although I have only read a small number of Ni...
by 胡啟敢 | 10 月 14, 2023 | 時事關心
The Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, during the Jewish holiday in Israel, launched a surprise attack, massacring some innocent Israeli civilians, and even taking some as hostages. Benjamin Netanyahu immediately rejoiced at this opportunity, inciting...
by 胡啟敢 | 10 月 11, 2023 | 今日頭條, 時事關心
巴勒斯坦恐怖組織哈馬斯於以色列的猶太節日,突襲和屠殺了一些無辜的以色列平民,甚至將部分挾為人質,內塔尼亞胡立即賊心大喜,乘機借機煽動以色列人的民族主義恐慌情緒,向巴勒斯坦宣戰,然後又向加沙施以大規模空襲,造成大量巴勒斯坦人傷亡,然後內塔尼亞胡就可以以立戰功來攫取政治名利。 挑戰思考:從左翼民主評估哈馬斯、內塔尼亞胡政府在以巴衝突中的責任...